Quincy, IL
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Preservation Incentives
Though the Quincy Preservation Commission does not currently offer any financial incentives for local designations or National Register properties, it does provide information and contact information for other organizations which provide preservation incentives or further information. These include:
Quincy Preserves, Inc.
Facade Program - to provide financial assistance for restoration of period architectural design details on commercial building facades in Quincy’s Central Business District. It has a maximum of $50,000 award per project, with a division of 25% in form of a grant, 25% in the form of a low-interest loan, and 50% from the owner
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency
Property Tax Assessment Freeze Program - freezes the value of historic properties that are single family, owner occupied residences listed on the National Register or local register for substantial rehabilitation
Federal Preservation Tax Credits - a 20% income tax credit for substantial rehabilitation of income producing structures that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A 10% income tax credit is available for substantial rehabilitation of income producing buildings built before 1936 that are not certified historic structures.